Types Of Eating Disorder Therapists And Which Is Best For You

Body Positive Works Holistic Wellness & Health Blog

Last Updated: January 18, 2025

Eating Disorders and the types of therapies spread far and wide, and there is not just one type of eating disorder. However, the first step to getting help is being aware that you need help. It isn’t always easy, but with the right team of people to help you, the road to ED recovery is possible and oh so worth it! Now, when you look up “Types of Eating Disorder Therapies”, the list can be a bit overwhelming, and you may not know where to start. Here is a little breakdown of a small portion of therapies that may be right for you.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Also known as CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the most common types of therapies for eating disorders. This is because Eating Disorders center in your brain, and it is important to work on talking it out rather than relying on something for a “quick fix”. CBT approaches the situation by changing the way you perceive things, including food. It also is very beneficial in teaching how to identify and cope with these mental blocks and challenges that some face with eating. Sometimes in this type of setting, it may feel not only overwhelming but uncomfortable. Understandable, you are sharing your life story and being vulnerable to a therapist you barely know. However, know that regardless of how troublesome and awkward it may seem, your therapist is there without judgment to help you get back on track.

Family-Based Therapy

Family-Based Therapy is a different way to approach recovery. In order to help you, your family gets involved by learning how to help you reinstate healthy eating and set a healthy weight goal. Family members involved with a child or sibling with an eating disorder can be very useful and benefit not only the one with the eating disorder but everyone around so they become more sensitive and aware.

Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Group Cognitive Therapy takes the same approach as individual cognitive behavioral therapy, however now instead of just meeting one on one with your mental health professional, you meet with others also diagnosed with an eating disorder. Instead of looking inside yourself, you are able to see others struggle with similar problems and possibly have an easier time addressing important parts of CBT like your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to your eating disorder. For some people, this sounds like the perfect mixture of therapy with avoiding one on one therapy, which is difficult for some. However, it really depends on what YOU feel comfortable with and how you want to approach it.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy is a little less common than normal sit-down therapy, but that does not mean that it doesn’t have its benefits. It is a frequently asked question, “How can Yoga help with an Eating Disorder?” and many don’t know. Yoga has benefits that vary beyond belief. From helping with basic flexibility and strength to reducing stress and anxiety, it is something very commonly paired with sit-down therapy as a way to support your path towards ED Recovery. Studies show that within Yoga practices paired with working with a therapist, depression, anxiety, and body image disturbance were reduced. BoPo Yoga offers classes catered toward eating disorders, as well as many other types of challenges you may be facing. Don’t knock the idea! I for so long didn’t want to believe that slowing down and taking a moment to be with yourself could be so beneficial. It may not be for everyone but it is definitely worth a try!